Beech Class - Year 5 and Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Lloyd
Mrs Watts
Teachers: Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Watts
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Davis, Mrs Sizemore
Welcome to the spring term! We are very excited for the weeks ahead and here is what we are going to be learning:
English - Shackleton's Journey by William Grill with a focus on narrating and writing a biography and then Hansel and Gretel with a focus on letter writing and persuasion.
Maths - We are using White Rose maths scheme which children are familiar with.
Geography - We are going to be finding out about oceans, including the importance of them and how they have changed over time.
History - We are going to be finding out what the Greeks did for us.
Art - We will be looking at sculpture, focusing on the artist Beate Kuhn.
Science - We will be learning about earth and space, followed by electricity.
DT - Children will be making wire games, using electrical circuits.
Computing - As always, we will keep revisiting online safety. Alongside this, we will be looking at using search engines.
PE - Please make sure that you bring your PE kit every Monday. This term we will be enjoying hockey, as well as a Friday football session with a coach.
RE - We will be thinking about our own personal beliefs.
Music - Mrs Young will be teaching music every Tuesday.
PSHE - My Happy Mind
We are also very excited to be going on our residential!
Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Watts
Follow us on X at @stannesbeech
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