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Beech Class - Year 5 and Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mrs Lloyd

Mrs Watts

   Teaching Assistants: Mrs Davis, Mrs Sizemore   


Welcome to the new school year!  We are very excited to begin another fabulous term in the newly named 'Beech Class' and we have lots of fabulous activities planned.

English - We will be focusing on the book 'The Promise' by Nicola Davies, a story about a girl who has the chance to change her life and the world, for good.  We will be writing a character narrative and a persuasive letter.  After this book, we move on to the story of King Kong by Anthony Browne.  For this book, we will be writing a narrative plus a balanced argument, which is always interesting.

Maths - We are using White Rose maths scheme which children are familiar with.

Geography - We are going to be finding out about why population changes and why some places are more populated than others.

History - We are going to be investigating what the census tells us about our local area.

Art - We will be printing, using the artist William Morris as our focus.

Science - We will be learning about reproduction and gestation of creatures, as well as changes that happen to us as we grow.  We will then move on to forces.

DT - Children will be exploring our own playground equipment and that of the locality, before creating a model playground of their own.

Computing - As always, we will keep revisiting online safety.  Alongside this, we will be programming music and then learning about stop motion animation.

PE - Please make sure that you bring your PE kit every Monday.  This term we will be enjoying tennis and cricket, as well as a Friday football session with a coach.

RE - We will be looking at belief in God and also prayer.

Music - Mrs Young will be teaching music every Tuesday.

PSHE - My Happy Mind


We cannot wait for the children to be able to share what they have learned with you.


Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Watts 

Follow us on X at @stannesbeech

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Beech Class - Year 5 and Year 6: News items

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Beech Class - Year 5 and Year 6: Gallery items

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Beech Class - Year 5 and Year 6: Calendar items

Parents' Evening, by Ms Daniel

Parents' Evening, by Ms Daniel

Parents' Evening, by Ms Daniel


Contact the School

St Anne's Fulshaw CE Primary

Nursery Lane,

Main Contact: Ms Clare Daniel (Headteacher)

Tel: 01625 523536

SEN Contact: Ms Clare Daniel

SEN Email: