Our blogs
Our talented artists, by Miss Smith
Science Week 2022, by Miss Smith
Vlog for W/C 7.11.2022, by Mr Harley
Cookery lessons from South America, by Mrs Thomas
Christmas Performances 2021, by Mrs Thomas
Stella the Starfish, by Ms Daniel
Shakespeare Rocks, by Ms Daniel
Storytime with Ms Daniel - Ghost Song by Susan Price, by Ms Daniel
Space Oddity by Christopher Edge, by Mrs Thomas
Storytime with Ms Daniel - The Ghost Drum by Susan Price, by Ms Daniel
Election 2020, by Mrs Thomas
Mental Health Awareness Week, by Mrs Davies
Story time with Mrs Davies and Cookie, by Mrs Davies
Surprise surprise!, by Mrs Thomas
Love Our Pets, by Mrs Davies
Learning Outside the Classroom Wednesday 1st April, by Ms Daniel
A bit of Positivity, by Mrs Davies
Grounding Exercise, by Mrs Davies
Learning Outside the Classroom Friday 27th March, by Ms Daniel
Mindful Colouring, by Mrs Davies
Brilliant work of the online week., by Mrs Thomas
Learning Outside the Classroom Thursday 26th March, by Ms Daniel