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Oak Class - Reception 2024 - 2025

Mr Harley

Welcome to spring!

I hope you had a fantastic Christmas, and I wish you and your families a very happy New Year. I hope you have a wonderful 2025.

I have planned an exciting half term for the children which revolves around well-being, superheroes and space. In the half term, we will be doing lots of fun learning and trying to develop the following skills:

  • Further developing and refining a range of ball skills including: throwing, catching, kicking, passing, batting, and aiming.
  • Develop confidence, competence, precision and accuracy when engaging in activities that involve a ball.
  • Re-read books to build up our confidence in word reading, our fluency and our understanding and enjoyment.
  • Create collaboratively sharing ideas, resources and skills.
  • Listen attentively, move to and talk about music, expressing their feelings and responses.

The skills outlined will be worked on throughout the remainder of the year, but if you go to the park, out in the garden, or any open space, if you could encourage and support your child to develop their gross motor skills through cycling, climbing, running, jumping, throwing and catching, football etc. then that would be very much appreciated.

In the second half term, we will be learning about community; what it is and those communities that we belong to. I would like for us to go out in our local community and have a walk to local points of interest, map the area around school and maybe visit the local fire or police station; I haven't contacted them yet but will be doing in the coming weeks, so if I can arrange a trip to either, I contact parents with more details.

Linked to our learning about communities, we will be reading Martha Maps It Out by Leigh Hodgkinson and drawing maps of the local area. As with this half term, it will be lots of fun.

If you would like more information about your child’s learning then please have a look at the curriculum map which is on the class page on the school website.

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful support you have given your child in the first half term, it helped them to quickly settle into their new surroundings and make new friends, and as a result have lots of fun.

I hope this term, you continue to enjoy hearing the improving reading of your child and ask that you read to them each day. If you are already doing this, thank you. If you’re not, please can you? Adding something as simple as a bedtime story not only helps with the bedtime routine and the relationship between you and your child, it will also have a huge beneficial impact on their academic progress, and best of all, it’s free. It doesn’t anything for children to join the library. For more information about Joining the library, click on the hyperlink which will take you to the library page on the Cheshire East Council website.

If in the term you have any concerns or want to chat to me about anything related to your child’s learning, it is best to have a chat with me after school or alternatively send me an email (

Thank you,

Mr Harley

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Contact the School

St Anne's Fulshaw CE Primary

Nursery Lane,

Main Contact: Ms Clare Daniel (Headteacher)

Tel: 01625 523536

SEN Contact: Ms Clare Daniel

SEN Email: