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Class 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Dale

Mrs Bradley

Mrs Toms

 A very warm welcome back to you all, we hope you all had a very enjoyable Christmas and New Year.

This term our literacy is based on the book 'Juniper Jupiter' by Lizzy Steward and teh children have already turned themselves into superheroes!  We will also be looking at geography.  We are going to begin with the geography of our school and then the local area around us.  We will then extend this to looking at geography on a more global scale, specifically Japan in Asia.

In phonics we are beginning to look at the vowel digraphs.  We will continue to send home the letter formation sheets so that the children can continue to practice their handwriting.  Another activity that the children could try would be to have a go at writing a word that contains the sound, they could do this on the back of their sheet.  For example, if the children have learned the 'ai' sound then they could have a go at writing some words (about 4) containing this sound e.g. rain, tail, pain, sail.  It sould be great if the chidlren could have a go at sounding these words out independently, even if this means that they are writing a word that uses a different spelling of the 'ai' sound e.g. taim for tame.

We will still do PE on a Monday afternoon and a Friday morning.  Please ensure that each item of their kit is clearly labelled, don't forget biro can wash off.  Kits will be sent home for washing at the end of the week and then will need to be brought back in on the following Monday. It can be useful for the children to have a spare pair of socks in their kits in case their feet ever get wet or when children wearing tights take them off for PE. 

Snack money is £6 for this half term and £5 for next half term (or £11 in total).  Please send payment into school in a sealed, named envelope.

As the weather can be very cold at this time of year please remember to send hats and gloves into school, which we will encourage the children to wear. 

We love to have 'mystery readers' join us in Class 1.  This is where a parent/grandparent brings in a story to read to the children.  We don't tell the children who is coming in, hence the  'mystery' in the title.  In the past the children (and readers!) have really enjoyed this experience.  Please let us know, either by coming to speak to us or by writing in the reading record, if you would like to do this.  I hope to be welcoming you in the afternoons at approximately 3pm.

If there is anything about your child's learning or wellbeing that you would like to discuss, please do let me know and we can arrange a meeting.  Or if you prefer to contact me by email then my email address is at the bottom of this page.

I do try to post regularly from our class X (formerly Twitter) account @stannesclass1, so please follow us to keep up with the activities that the children take part in each day. We also have a school Instagram account @stannesfulshaw    @stannesclass1



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Contact the School

St Anne's Fulshaw CE Primary

Nursery Lane,

Main Contact: Ms Clare Daniel (Headteacher)

Tel: 01625 523536

SEN Contact: Ms Clare Daniel

SEN Email: