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Class 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Cairns

Mrs Freeman

Mr Harley

Mrs Bradley

Welcome to Class 2's page!

Class Teacher - Mr Harley

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you had a lovely half term with your child/children.

Like our previous terms this year, the summer term is going to be full of fun, new learning experiences and opportunities for the children. We also have the year 2 residential, which is taking place on Monday 11th June – Tuesday 12th June (if your child is going on this then trip), a production and Sports Week to look forward to towards the end of the term.

Before I provide an overview of the children’s learning in the term, I would like to thank you (parents and carers) for the support you have given your children so far this year, and I am sure this will continue this term too. You have been incredible! You have helped your children to learn their spellings, reinforced the maths learning they’ve being doing in class by helping with their maths homework and reading with them each evening, so thank you.

The learning that your child will be doing this term is as follows:


We will be using the book Look Up! from Nathan Byron as a vehicle text around which we will base our learning. The book is about a space-obsessed girl, so the book and the topic of space will be our inspiration to write a stories, non-fiction pieces and a poems. We will also write instructions on how to make a paper windmill and explain how it works, which is linked to our DT learning.


We will continue to work through our White Rose maths booklets. The areas of maths that will be covered in the term are:

Y1 – Capacity and temperature, multiplication and division, fractions, position and direction, statistics, place value (within 100), money and time.

Y2 – Fractions, time, statistics, position and direction, and problem solving

I know that your child has their maths homework booklet and login for Numbots but there are some great maths games on Topmarks (, such as Hit the Button, Daily 10 etc. that will help support and reinforce the maths learning your child has done and will do.


We will be conducting and in-depth investigation of plants: what they are, how to identify and describe a range of different plants and the lifecycle of plants. We will also learn the difference between a seed and bulb and conduct an experiment into how different growing conditions effect seed germination.


We have loved learning about artists and creating inspired by their work this year, and this term we are going to be studying printing. We will be looking at the work of Emma Majury and then creating our own stamps from different materials, which use different printing techniques, to then create our own pieces.

Design and technology

As mentioned when discussing our literacy learning in the term, we will be constructing a model of a windmill, as part of our learning about structures. We will also be making some moving story books in the term too.

History and geography

We will be learning about continents and oceans in the first half term, and I am sure the children will come home singing some of the catchy songs that we will be learning as part of this unit.

In history, we will be looking at our family history and what life was like for our parents and grandparents so we might be asking for some items, like toys and pictures, but I will let you know nearer the time.


We will be writing and sending emails, including adding an attachment. We will also be doing some programming using Scratch, which I know from previous years the children have absolutely loved and I’m sure it will be no different this year.


We will continue learning about Christianity, reading different genres in the Bible, looking at values such as love and courage that are personified in Biblical figures and learning more about David and Noah.

We will also be learning about the importance of family in Hinduism, how Hindus worship in their homes and some of the festivals in the religion, like Holi.


We are going to dancing at the start of this term, with our theme being exploration. We will also be looking at the importance of tactics in games, devising some tactics and then implanting them through the different games that we will play.

We will continue our PSHE learning through the wonderful My Happy Mind program and additional work that we will be doing in the areas of health and wellbeing and relationships.

I hope that we have a fabulous term that is filled with lots of smiles, laughter and joy. As ever, if you want to speak to me about your child’s progress or have a question then you can speak to me at the end of the school day or send me an email (

Please follow us on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) if you would like to see some of the wonderful things that we do each and every day.

Thank you


Mr Harley


Twitter: @stannesclass2 to see what we are getting up to every day and suggestions for a creative activity that can be done at home.

Overview of the term and essential information

Essential information


Your child will bring home two types of books each week.

Like last year, the Little Wandle book is for them to read to you and has been chosen so that they can work out all the words in the book - it is decodable. Your child will have read this book at school before it comes home so they should read it with good fluency and prosody (intonation).

The other book(s) that your child will bring home are library books that your child has chosen or has been chosen for them. This book is for you to enjoy reading to your child, as they may be interested in the subject or story but cannot yet decode all the words that it contains. Saying that, your child may be able to read some of the words and might enjoy joining in, sharing their improving reading ability with you, and this should be encouraged – enjoy your child’s progress and achievements.

In addition to the reading books that your child will receive, additional homework will be set each Thursday, unless you are notified otherwise, for example, at the end of the half term.

Additional Useful Parent Resources


As the famous quote from Dr Seuss states, "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go," so to help your children to go to more places, please read with them for at least 5 to 10 minutes each day. To ensure that your child receives new books regularly, please make sure they bring their green book bags with them to school every day. 


Homework will be set on a Thursday and is due to be returned the following Thursday. 

I would also like for your children to be playing the maths games that are provided on NUMBOTS (login details are in your child's reading record) 4 or 5 times a week for up to 5 mintues each time they play.

Here is a parent guide video from NUMBOTS which explains how the website works in more detail:

Water bottles and snacks

Please ensure that your child brings their water bottle and snack or snack money to school with them each day. 

Some Resources that may be useful to parents:

Year 1 Weekly Phonics:

(Copy and paste the link into the browser) 

Year 1 Helpful Grammar & Punctuation games: 

(Copy and paste the link into your browser)

Year 2 Helpful Punctuation games:

Year 2 Helpful Grammar games:

Tips for reading with your child: 

Maths games: (Year 1: addition and subtraction up to 20; Year 2: addition and subtraction up to 100)


iPad : Cargo-bot

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Contact the School

St Anne's Fulshaw CE Primary

Nursery Lane,

Main Contact: Ms Clare Daniel (Headteacher)

Tel: 01625 523536

SEN Contact: Ms Clare Daniel

SEN Email: