Our News items
Walking for Water, by Mrs Thomas
Fun and games in Year 1 and 2, by Mrs Thomas
Netball Tournament Results, by Miss Jackson
Art on display in Wilmslow!, by Mrs Thomas
Dance To Rio Project, by Miss Jackson
New School Councillors for 2014 elected, by Mrs Thomas
Class 2's Pup Cake sale., by Mrs Thomas
Level 1 School Games, by Miss Jackson
Enjoying Christmas dinner!, by Mrs Thomas
On our way to perform the infant nativity; Stable Story., by Mrs Thomas
Our lovely mosaic, by Ms Daniel
Splendid football result, by Mrs Thomas
Top Table Stars, by Mrs Bradley
Year 5/6 Junior Recycling Officers, by Miss Jackson
NETBALL VICTORY!, by Miss Jackson
School Games Gold Kitemark, by Ms Daniel
Eureka photographs, by Mrs Thomas
Jolly Phonics, by Mrs Dale
More great football news!, by Mrs Thomas
Super victory at football, by Mrs Thomas
Football news, by Mrs Thomas
Netball, by Miss Jackson
Football fixtures, by Mrs Thomas
Education City, by Mrs Bradley
PTA Meeting, by Ms Daniel